Jetlag Prevention Tips
Are you flying from far to join us and would like to minimize the effects of jet lag? Don’t let jet lag slow you down—follow these simple tips to feel refreshed and ready to explore:
Before Your Flight- Gradually adjust your sleep schedule to match the destination’s time zone.
- Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol or caffeine leading up to your trip.
- Pack sleep essentials like a neck pillow, eye mask, and earplugs. During Your Flight
- Sleep strategically—align your rest with your destination’s nighttime.
- Move around regularly to keep your circulation flowing.
- Change your devices to the destination's time zone as soon as you board. After You Land
- Get outside and soak up the morning sunlight—it’s the best way to reset your body clock.
- Resist the temptation to nap; instead, stay awake until it’s bedtime locally.
- Keep hydrating and eat meals that match the new time zone.
Optional: Consider melatonin to help adjust your sleep schedule (consult your doctor first!).
By following these tips, you’ll minimize jet lag and maximize your enjoyment of Mallorca. See you soon!
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